llinois Music Honors Society
To log your service hours, click HERE.
Remember to turn in one hour of service by the end of December, including your membership fee.
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Members:
Cian Ledee | Alexis Konze | Mackenzie Kohlberg | Dominick Asher | Carmen Mason | Chase Williams | Christopher Koester | Elena Mercado | Hannah Snedeker | Tyeler-Reice Williams | Hailey Daberkow | Aaron Reyna | Abby McDaniel | Brent C. Coley | Caleb Wunderlich | Grace Hellin | Kaitlyn Kratzer | Jacob Kazmierczak | Ava Stock | Ellie Winkeler | Sam Donahue | Colin Shea | Alayna Davis | Izabelle Tandy | Emmy Brokering | Chloe Hacker | Samantha Engle | Henry Gramelspacher | Zoë Hoffmann | Angelica Cruz | Isabel Perez | Vivianne Herich | Maddie McElwee | Aidan Sawyer | Evelyn Sunnquist | Joey/JoyAnna | MJ Rousseau | Henry Tuju | Logan Doyle | Sam Young | Zoe Sutherland | Nolan Sawyer | Alexis Aylor | Oliver Brandi | Amelia Brandi | Sophie Miner | Morgan VandeLinde | Caroline Hopkins | Kaya Kassebaum | Lucia Colombe | William Mullenix | Brayden Korstad | Scarlet Woodland | Mackenzie Budinko | Samara Middleton
>> Illinos Music Honors Society Presentation
What is the Illinois Music Honors Society?
How do I become a member of IMHS?
Follow the link HERE to fill out the application. Submit the application by the stated deadline.
What are the commitments once I become a member?
You will be required to do community service hours as a member. Since this is a music honor society, you will be required to music-based service. Perhaps volunteer your time teaching junior high students lessons, ushering at a music department concerts, performing music at a nursing or retirement home, etc. You will be required to complete 4 hours of musical community service each semester you are an active member. Hours may carry over from semester to semester. Service hours form can be found HERE.
What else will IMHS do?
That is up to the Executive Board and its members. This group at OTHS will be what YOU make of it! Aside from service hours, this will be an opportunity for you to expand your musical experiences by attending special events and activites specifically designed with IMHS members in mind.
Who is invited?
Those students that possess all of the traits that a IMHS member should, complete the application, be serious about spreading music into the community, and being apart of a group that will foster new friendships.
Requirements for application:
1. Must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA
2. An entire academic year in a curricular ensemble
3. Must currently be a memeber of a curricular ensemble
Requirements of selected Members:
1. Complete four service hours per semester
2. Participate in various events that IMHS will sponsor
3. Be available for an induction ceremony (Date: TBD)
Below is a list of the qualities desired in a IMHS member:
- Sets an example of good citizenship
- Follows school policies and procedures
- Willing to accept responsibility
- Respectful of others and their property
- Honest
- Reliable
- Punctual
- Truthful
- Patient
- Understanding
Application form can be found here. Deadline is December 10, 2024.